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Abortion, a man's choice as well?

Jun 15, 2007 by Yogini | Posted in Religion & Spirituality

I read a very general comment that women only use the 'excuse'
"It's my body so mind your own business"......Do you realize that is not the only reason we are pro-choice? As I stated before, until we have the same rights as men (and WE STILL DON'T) abortion will remain an unfortunate option. YOU can buy your contraceptives over the counter, WE don't have that privilege. Insurance companies don't pay for all forms of contraceptions but they'll cover your Viagra? Do you see what I'm getting at? MEN have just as much responsibility and more rights than we do as to the options available to us to protect ourselves. Yeah, we can go out and buy a condom but that's YOUR job as well. Oh, those are available OTC......
The 'female condom' has never been popular as it doesn't work well and is difficult to use correctly. Maybe that's why so many women choose not to buy it.........I guess if that makes me a 'fool' so be it.
I don't have 'low self-esteem' and have never been pregnant as I've always taken responsibility.
Oh, and I've also founded an organization to help women dealing with abuse and rape survival....have to have pretty good self-esteem to do that I would think.
'Moron' is too easy.....think of something better.

Yeah, for the BEST birth control, we have to go to our OB/GYN.

ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• | Jun 15, 2007

Ususally a well placed punch in the gut or a gentle push down the stairs will take care of any unwanted pregnancies, its cheaper than a condom

Come on you guys, it's only a bad joke...I'll bet one of you is reporting me right now, and yes, I'll blame the femnists and christians
Cupid Stunt | Jun 15, 2007

It may b ethe woman's body, but the guy has equal "right" and responsibility for a pregnancy.
tracymoo2002 | Jun 15, 2007

The day men can carry a fetus, then they get a choice in the matter. Until then, its none of their business.
judy_t00 | Jun 15, 2007

Of course you do....ever heard of the newly invented "female condom"?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt...
Soleil Noir | Jun 15, 2007

Plus, most arguments against abortion assume some sort of mystical soul being inserted into the fetus at some point. That's... silly.

They also tend to ignore that late term abortions, for instance, are pretty dangerous and thus only performed when really necessary, and that most abortions are in the first trimester, and so on.
Monica | Jun 15, 2007


A quote from a wise man (whom I can't remember at this time) stated "If men bled, would tampons be free?"
Invisible Ugly | Jun 15, 2007

But we do have the privilege and right to take care of our bodies and ourselves. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex! If you choose to have sex, then know that pregnancy may result.

I'm female and pro-choice by the way.
kja63 | Jun 15, 2007

No, I don't think a man has a right to choose unless he can find a suitable host for the unwanted pregnancy. I don't think any woman should have to go through a pregnancy that she doesn't want, simply because of what it does to their bodies and the feelings a woman has to contend with after having to go through such a pregnancy and still having to raise the child. Even if the child is given up for adoption, the mother still had to carry it for 9 months and is rewarded with nothing.
The Confirmed Atheist | Jun 15, 2007

hear hear@judy
my body. my stretch marks. my morning sickness..MY choice!
kitty kat | Jun 15, 2007

yep, we have to have some person up our vaginas to get birth control of any means besides female condoms...and those are just odd looking to me lol.
Lorreign | Jun 15, 2007

We want children and your right men want a family also.
Louis | Jun 15, 2007

I find it a bit hypocritical when a man says that a woman should NOT have the right to choose whether she wants to have a baby or not
Wingless | Jun 15, 2007

i agree, i don't think abortion should ever be a mans choice, not even partially ,
pyt19 | Jun 15, 2007

If you ask a man if getting a vasectomy or getting circumcised should be a woman's choice as well, what do you think he would say?
I think he'd say, 'No-its my body'.
toogethr | Jun 15, 2007

Nope. No uterus, no opinion.

End of.
Footprints in the Sand | Jun 15, 2007

Women can refuse to have sex with them if they don't have protection. I guarantee you if every woman did that the condom company stocks would go off the chart! It is both parties. But we can say no it ain't happening just as easily as they can say "Sorry I don't have a condom."
And if you gave men the legal right to make a woman have an abortion...I don't even want to think about that. It's too scary.
Jill | Jun 15, 2007

I cant stand it when people say "a womans body a womans choice"

Ummm, its not JUST your body anymore!!!

Even though the man cant carry the baby .... put yourself in his shoes. Could you imagine .... losing your child, when you so badly wanted one? I know men who are forever torn apart because they wanted THEIR baby .... but the mom 'got rid of it'. Seriously, just picture it.

But it could go both ways. They could also say "well, i shouldnt have to pay child support b/c I wanted her to have an abortion"

ya know?
Bugsey | Jun 15, 2007

YOU are a moron... CAPITALIZING words doesn't make your point any more valid...
Ocelot | Jun 15, 2007

Let us just solve the argument now. . .

If you aren't ready to have a baby, keep YOUR damn legs closed.

When you can get pregnant by yourself THEN you can keep the man out of the decision.
AMDG | Jun 15, 2007

I agree, preventing pregnancy is the man's responsibility as well. If a pregnancy occurs, the man should not pressure the woman one way or the other, but support her in a decision they both can live with.
Girl Wonder | Jun 15, 2007

Interesting points... I wouldn't stand in the way of any step you might want to take to achieve the "birth control equality" you feel ought to be enacted. I might even be tempted to actively support some reasonable changes... but including the man into the decision to abort or not would likely become an important issue from my side of the fence. Remember that the determination of a pregnancy involves his life, too.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]
r u randy? | Jun 15, 2007

If women are to have the final say then fine. However, if a man says he doesn't want the child and the woman does she gives up any claim to child support. Sound fair? Of course, we could just tell people not to have sex. Oh wait, we just spent $100 million doing that and guess what? It didn't work.
God | Jun 15, 2007

Men don't (and shouldn't) have rights over women's bodies. If they want input in the woman's decision, they should try not to be jerks.

When men can be pregnant, then they can have the Right to Choose. Until then, they don't need or deserve it.
gelfling | Jun 15, 2007

the abortion arguement is getting old. If you don't want kids dont have sex.
♥Servant_of_God♥ | Jun 15, 2007

Considering without the male sperm we would not be procreating then the answer is crystal clear. Men must be informed and have a say in the choice of what to do with the baby. That being said, this question of "to kill a human baby or not?" is quite outlandish, I mean we as humans have zero right to take away another persons life especially in America!!
Maggie M | Jun 15, 2007

Sure, prevention is men's responsibility, so are the children of this world.
dunie33 | Jun 15, 2007

I invited a friend to my house now she won't leave, I think I'll just kill her, my choice, my business
I don't have any money , I think I'll go down to the nearest bank and just rob it, my choice, by business. See what I am getting at.
Yes you have a choice, if you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime. Keep your dress down and your pants up.
PREACHER'S WIFE | Jun 15, 2007

Abortion shouldn't be a man's choice, but that's not to say that he shouldn't be involved at all in the woman's decision.
James | Jun 15, 2007

Here you are complaining about men having more rights, but abortions help them out more than women. A man used to "have to marry" a women he knocked up. You let him off the hook. He gets what he wants with no hassle, women get physical and psychological problems and a baby gets killed. Why can't women take control of their bodies and realize they can only get pregnant about 1 day a month? How selfish are people that they can't wait a day? Stop complaining, learn about your body and say "No" when you are ovulating. No unwanted pregnancy and you are in control. It's easy.

God Bless.
cthemagicofdawn | Jun 15, 2007

It's a CRUEL double standard, because the REALITY is- minus all the big medical words used to dehumanize this underdeveloped baby... it is the PRODUCT of 2 people, and would not exist had 2 people NOT had sex. Point blank. The mother couldn't have produced that on her own. Yes she carries the baby, and YES when that baby is born the FATHER'S input sure matters and is WANTED/DEMANDED, even legally... for monetary contribution, but prior to that he and his feelings are discarded, like he had NO input.
I say woman should be a little more concerned about ensuring they are on an effective BC method, considering they throw nonsense out like, "It's my body so mind your own business." Your body now carries in it a NEW body which is composed of 2 people, not just ONE.
I'm embraced that woman would rather adopt a Hitler- dehumanization attitude, than make it their business to use an effective birth control method. Come on ladies. Have a little pride about yourselves, and your offspring.
™Tootsie | Jun 15, 2007

Men have a bigger influence on the situation than they claim to have. In the movie, "Look Who's talking" ... John Travolta says, "It's the man's job to keep the woman happy and sane."

First step towards abortion is when the woman's self-confidence is low. Now rape, multiple sexual partners, incest, having sex too young, and abuse will lower the woman's self-esteem. When the vessel of carrying the baby doesn't value life ... how can she see a future? This makes abortion appealing. By herself, she cannot mentally or spiritually stand on her own with an unwanted pregnancy. Then she gets to play the mind game, "How will my sexual partner act ... how will my parents act ... how will my friends act ... how will society treat me?"

Second step towards abortion is the man. Well, rape ... obviously paired with a woman's low confidence spells disaster for the unwanted preganancy. Let's say it's with her loving partner. The man has the ability to make the woman feel safe, secure, and capable of rearing this child ... or the man can have low-self confidence and see this as a trap; leading him to poverty, ruin, and despair --- showing his has low self-esteem --- Two ppl with low self-esteem = recipe for abortion. Usually the woman will "role - play" before she tells the father & make a conclusion about his desires before he says a word (like in the "I love Lucy" show where Lucy tells Ricky about the baby).

So what happens when the woman is pregnant and wants the baby and the man doesn’t … the scale can be tilted to the man’s desires quickly. Men are more aggressive then women. Their size, words (---I love you, we can do this --- verses -- tramp why are you trying to ruin me ---), actions (hugs vs. slaps or putting holes in the wall) , voice level (soft, or loud) have the ability to ruin the woman’s self-confidence. Additionally, there is the upcoming financial responsibility. Taken away any support from the man, it leaves the woman in despair.

Next people to look at are the parents. Parents (soon to be grand parents) have almost as much power to raise the self-esteem of the soon to be parents. A loving parental support would work together to find solutions, think out of the box, and give this couple opportunities to have the baby instead of abort the baby ... or one of the families may see ruin, despair, & poverty and encourage the abortion and will 'disown' bad children ... Even if words are not said the children usually have a barometer on how they think their parents will act.

I'll group friends & society together. Friends can either be supportive or destructive. We all know what peer presure does in school. Then there is social issues. Some women watch the news and see violence, stories of pandemic flu's, bad economy, harmful to career ... and this makes them repugnant at bringing new life into a cruel society. However, if she, her partner, parents, and friends are all rallying behind her ... chances are she doesn't see a doomed future.

Mother Teresa says, “If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion." Which makes us all responsable to find ways to enable men & women to find the self-confidence to raise the child instead of abort it.
Giggly Giraffe | Jun 15, 2007

Question for all those who say "hey, easy! just don't have sex!"

Are you in all honesty claiming you have NEVER had sex at any other time than when you wished to procreate? The first time you had sex, you were ready willing and able to have a child??? Maybe you're married, and have your children, and that's it - the end of sex?
Get real. How much more simplistic and ignorant can you possibly, don't answer that.

All manner of things happen in life. Whatever the reason, women deserve to make their own choices for their own bodies.
If it isn't your body, then mind your business and get a life.
michelle v | Jun 15, 2007

Play you pay,its a child,only housed in a woman's body.The child takes its nourishment for 9 months from the woman's body a result of a God given gift to bear children.A woman can kill an innocent child they end up being emotionally distraught for years and years,so they do feel the guilt of murder.Just ask someone how they feel having had an abortion,I have friends who have been traumatized for the rest of their lives.Men are just as responsible for the life and death of a child they were busy creating whether they believe so or not.Baby's are a life not a choice.If a man will not take any responsibility for their part a woman should,not by abortion but by adoption,this is bravery to me.There are millions of wonderful parents who would die to a\have one of the aborted children in the waste baskets around the world.A society that allows the murdering of such innocence will pay a huge price before God.
jc | Jun 15, 2007

Besides rape - having sex is a joint decision.
Joint decision = Joint responsibility (in the possitive direction)


It is wrong for a man to rape a womanand impregnate her
It is unfair for a man to force a woman to have a child
It is unfair for a man to force a woman to have an abortion

IT IS ONLY PETINENT FOR A MAN TO SUPPORT A WOMAN TO KEEP THE CHILD. It is his responsibility to be a father to his child. In fact a woman should be covered by law (if possible) in relation to the father of her unborn child.

Consider this: WHATEVER DECISION IS TAKEN ABOUT A PREGNANCY (either ways), THE WOMAN FEELS THE PAIN (of childbirth or loss) 95% and should be compensated for this by the man/her partner. IT IS HER BODY.

Anyman who seeks forceful abortion in fact should be punished.
mail2chik | Jun 15, 2007

Uh, I don't quite get your point, or your choice of words.

When a man gets pregnant, then abortion should be among his choices.

Even if we had the same rights as men, it would still be the case that it's the decision of the pregnant person, if birth control fails, or for whatever reason, a person is pregnant.
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